I had a wonderful experience participating in the New Moon Manifesting Meditation on the occasion of the spring solstice. Stefanie encouraged us to jump into new opportunities and let go of unhelpful past attachments as she guided our group through a healing of the chakras. It was like spring cleaning for the spirit! I came out of the meditation feeling so calm, positive and empowered. Thank you, Stefanie, for such a beautiful beginning to my astrological New Year!
- Shara
I really loved the meditation. I feel like things shifted for me. I’m holding myself differently, and I’m more positive. I was able to finally let go of patterns that were holding me back and no longer serving me. People around me have noticed that I’m more confident and grounded.
- Lori
When I heard that you were doing your healing meditation today and had invited me I ran home to be with you because whatever it is you do is so obviously powerful I couldn’t miss the opportunity. Your words hit me at one point right where I was stuck and I opened up to remember who I was in a way I had forgotten. You are so beautiful inside and out, it makes me feel deeply grateful for you in my life.
- Catherine
This just blew my mind. I told Stefanie in our group healing that for 20 years I have been waking up every day at 3:47 a.m. with a sense of dread. Stefanie told me she saw an explosion that I survived. I looked this up and I found the 3:47 a.m. connection. I had a visceral reaction when I went to the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb museum in Japan in July. I felt disgusted, ashamed and really sad about what we did to the innocent people. I had to go outside after a couple hours and cry. So when I googled 3:47 bomb, the first result was when the plane took off at 3:47 a.m. to bomb Nagasaki. It was so strange and synchronistic.
- Kat S
I was with Stefanie at the pool one day and I ate something that I was allergic to and started to have a reaction in my throat. Stefanie noticed that there was something wrong and asked if she could try to help. Normally when this happens it escalates and I have to take Benadryl but this particular time with Stefanie's energy healing the allergic reaction just stopped.
- Lisa B
Stefanie worked with me for low back pain that had been present for over 5 years. Physio only did so much and I needed some other kind of release. Stefanie found it. She pinpointed past life trauma that took us down a rabbit hole of connected events that all made complete sense. It felt amazing to let it go and feel the release. Grateful!
- Barbara F
My family got to see the real me (even I saw the real me and it wasn’t forced and it was real)! The best part was on Sunday my brother said the person he saw this weekend was a night and day difference. I was very go with the flow and independent. A big HUGE thank you to everything we’ve been doing. The difference in myself that I noticed this weekend was unreal and amazing! There aren’t words to thank you enough!
- Brittany D
I had an Ignite Your Spirit healing session with Stefanie today. She worked on the tendonitis in my foot that has been plaguing me for a week and a half. After the session…I HIKED UP KENT FALLS! NO PAIN! Thank you Stefanie!
- Annette K
I was at the pool with Stefanie one day and my daughter Sage bumped her head and had a huge bump on the front of her forehead. I started to panic and I asked Stefanie for help. She said let me check in to see if this is something bigger, and she saw a past life that Sage and I had together where Sage jumped off a treehouse and fell on her head. Once Stefanie cleared the energy from that lifetime the bump literally disappeared before my eyes. I also love Stef's channeled angel sessions where I get to meet the angels and ask questions to them in the angelic realm. Getting a healing with Stefanie is like getting a massage for the soul.
- Bootsie G
Stefanie makes you feel right at home and awakens your mind, body and spirit. I went for my first session with her and had such a beautiful and groundbreaking experience. Heading into the rest of my day feeling fresh and anew. I will definitely be back for round two.
- Coley K
I cannot believe how different I feel after one session with Stefanie. She was able to clear past life trauma, that was negative karma holding me back in my relationships. She cleared all of my chakras, which I noticed immediately as there were two distinct physical changes. One was my sinuses cleared, open clear free breathing. No medication was used or needed. The other was she found “a hand” was holding my throat. When she cleared this, I felt at ease. Like I could breathe, a calm came over my body. Since my healing, I feel lighter, like she removed all burdens that were holding me back or down. My phone has been ringing off the hook with opportunities. I can’t thank you enough Stefanie, simply wonderful!
- Dave H